What duties does your job involve?

Ask a Biologist Monday 3/21/22

Answers from Biologists:

  • Water sampling, fish and microinvertebrate collection, regulation standards setting, water chemistry and pollutant analysis

  • Identifying and managing plant restoration projects for a National Park. Identifying plants, GIS, etc.

  • Compiling, editing, and providing data on endemic and sensitive species in the state.

  • Working for the Yurok tribe to build a new CA condor release site, tracking with radio collars

  • Foot and kayak surveys, drone work, mapping, grant writing for species at risk.

  • Using cameras to assess a rare chipmunk population in a habitat altered by wildfire

  • Habitat restoration on 45,000 acres of public surveys, waterfowl banding, and public contacts.

  • Collecting important data about bird migrations for a wind farm.

  • Work for a water engineering firm in NYC in the permitting and planning group.

  • Analyzing survey and banding data, supporting survey design, writing reports, writing manuscripts, meetings.

  • Bird banding, teaching local communities about landbird monitoring, science communication.

  • Teaching kids about vernal pools, who lives in them, and how they can protect them.

  • Pond restoration, dip netting and fence monitoring for flatwood salamanders.

  • Monitoring military bases for nesting snowy plovers and least terns for state/fed requirements.

  • Species surveys, habitat assessments, vegetation monitoring, NEPA, ESA, consultation and more.

  • Raptor trapping, banding, translocation, pyrotechnics and firearms use

  • Early detection and rapid response for invasive plants species.

  • Surveys, data collection and entry, inventory and monitoring tribal species, regulatory tribal response.

  • Animal care, data collection, partner coordination, experimental design, grad student supervision

  • Fieldwork, grant and data entry (tech)

  • Supervise/train undergrads, animal care, data/sample collection, research plan/designs

  • Collection of data in the field and the lab (tech)

  • Inventory and monitoring on refuges, habitat step down plans, data management

  • Collecting seed demography, rare plant surveys, many more things

  • Surveys, avian monitoring, data management, mentoring, consulting for ESA/MBTA

  • Surveys for bear dens, nesting birds and rare plants, plus amphibian and fish salvage

  • State oversight of industrial development, requiring wildlife surveys, reports, collaboration

  • Jet boat diving, snorkeling, salmonoid identification, much more

  • Monitoring PIPL (Great Lakes population), RPBB habitat implementation, outreach, NRDAR


What is something others should know before getting into the field?


What’s a funny/frustrating thing your study species does?