How do you take care of your mental health?

Ask a Biologist Monday 3/18/24

Answers from Biologists:

  • Try to have a good work-life balance, have friends outside of work. See your job as your job.

  • Gym, hiking in mountains, and being with friends.

  • Having a hobby that’s healthy, fun, and time consuming. Running marathons.

  • Talk to friends, counselling, daily walks, nature time, hikes, set boundaries with work.

  • Find a place that you can always go to no matter what to get away from the job.

  • Learn to say not just “no” but “hell no”.

  • Taking a HARD separation from work when I need it. Swing work/life balance to “life”.

  • Work life balance.

  • I sought out psychological care and therapy. It was life changing.

  • Having a toolbox of coping skills at the ready has been life changing.

  • Therapy helped me find coping skills for things, whether it be anxiety, low mood or a conflict.

  • Therapy. And forgiving myself for needing to use minimal effort (eating out instead of cooking, etc.).

  • Going for walks during office days at work.

  • Advocate for your work life balance and try regular therapy.

  • Have an exercise routine that’s just for you/separate from fieldwork.

  • Therapy and taking time to myself by not engaging in conversations/social media.

  • Switching to part time zookeeping to have a better work/life balance.

  • Therapy, work life balance, meds (if needed, break the stigma).

  • I keep a journal an small paint palette with me. Helps me stay focused on what’s in front of me and why I do this.

  • I made a yoga/meditation room. I also take a day for me time. Turn off the phone/computer.

  • Finding snakes and taking pictures of them.

  • Finding hobbies unrelated to my work.

  • Plan small weekend trips to look forward to decompress from work stress.

  • Medication. It’s so important for many people.

  • Counseling, medications as prescribed. Time with loved ones and listening to music.

  • Therapy and hobbies not related to work in any way.

  • Learning to not feel guilty taking time off when I need it.

  • Several 5 minute walks throughout the day and a change of working environments or office spaces.

  • Spend time in the gym in the mornings.

  • Make sure I take breaks when I need to and go walk.

  • Get some daily movement. Either on a quick outside walk (fresh air) or just stretching/walking inside.

  • Forms of movement outside as often as possible, therapy, yoga, and creative hobbies.

  • Mental health days to stay indoors.

  • Making sure I take time to recreate and enjoy nature, not just study it.

  • Daily walks to decompress. Mental health days if I can’t focus.

  • Work/life balance and learning how to say no.

  • Take a mental health day and do something specifically for you to turn off your work brain.

  • Let your friends know. Mine are always happy to have a chat and it lifts my mood.

  • Meditation, adventure sports, relationship outside of conservation and learn to laugh.

  • Restarted therapy, stopped watching news/reading public comments regarding conservation.

  • Exercising.

  • Therapy, exercise, pharmaceuticals.

  • Spend time with my dogs. Take a walk with phone turned off and just connect with another living being.

  • Boundaries with work. I don’t give out my cell phone number to public or put work email on phone.

  • Prioritize life and activities outside of work. For me, it’s good to have some separation.

  • Work life balance.

  • Therapy, go enjoy nature without it being work. Find hobbies, friendship.

  • Get outside, even if it’s five minutes.


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