What are you doing to/how can we add diversity to the field?

Ask A Biologist Monday 11/1/21

I have worked with other biologists to create a free Guide to Becoming a Wildlife Biologist, mentor early career biologists, do Ask a Biologist Monday, am clear about being a Hispanic woman, and am open about my struggles with anxiety, depression, and chronic migraines.

Answers from Biologists:

  • Mentor folks new to the field.

  • Listen to Indigenous people with Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK).

  • Labs/research groups need to start offering paid work instead of volunteer positions.

  • Paid internships that offer an actual livable wage.

  • Remove “that’s how it’s always been” from your vocabulary.

  • I’m openly gay. I hope it inspires LGBTQ+ people to get into Biology.

  • Pay interns.

  • Create apprenticeships.

  • Be open about your disabilities and how you can still perform your job despite them.

  • More brown Biologists in the mainstream.

  • Include high school students and younger students in field work/trips.

  • Phase out unpaid experience.

  • Mentor young women/POC/LGBTQ+. Support women peers.

  • Push back on sexism.

  • Making efforts to make it less than the traditional “hook and bullet” (fishing and hunting) entry into the field.

  • Educational outreach, especially in underserved communities.

  • Develop stem content and role models for kids at an early age, especially underserved communities.

  • Managing alumni pages to make sure as many people as possible see the posting.


What is a must have book for this profession (textbook, field guide, etc.)


What makes someone a good Biologist?