What is something related to work this year that you’re proud of?
Ask a Biologist Monday 12/18/23
Answers from Biologists:
Spawned a new fish species in a hatchery for the first time and successfully hatched a lot of them.
I finished my last job without quitting. It broke me a little but at least it’s over.
Getting my first full time permanent job.
After 1.5 yrs of delay, finally completed a 6 day intensive baited camera campaign for sharks.
Finally being able to work on a master’s project after years of applying.
Standing up for myself when harassed by a superior and writing a report on his behavior.
Became the president of our university’s ecological society.
Learned more about moss identification.
Supported Native communities in an effort to rework toxic lead water systems in schools.
3 bat species have been recommended for endangered status based on a report I helped write.
Securing my first contract as an independent biological consultant.
Started rebuilding a neglected monitoring program from the ground up.
I got a wildlife job.
Led my first field crew.
Got out of a toxic work environment.
Got into grad school.
Piloted a national monitoring program as a field lead.
Got my first permanent job.
Getting into my first choice graduate assistantship program.
Installed bird friendly glass window treatments on our entire building.
Months of fieldwork about moose behavior in Alaska.
Graduated with my master’s and got a federal job offer.
Nailed down my first permanent position.
Finally wrote my own working R scripts for my job.
Our team brought the first multimillion dollar grant to our region.
Presenting results from my master’s at 3 separate conferences.
Learned how to band birds.
Got a faculty position without a PhD.
Had an undergrad professor reach out about a fully funded grad position they wanted me to apply for.
Completed my genetics and evolution class.
Made a list of local rehabilitations so the public can have someone to call.
Spent 5 months as a botanist in an agency overseas and applied what I’ve learned at home.
Started a new TWS working group.
Wrote a couple grants that brought in nearly $300k for wildlife monitoring.
Got a job.
Had a young friend I mentored represent her country at COP.
Started a job in a new state. Worked to learn new plant species and add value to my team.
Redoing my CV. It had been 10 years.
Discovered a severe invasive plant infestation on a lake that wasn’t on our survey list.
Finished my MS degree and published my first 2 first author publications.
Got a promotion and moved to a new area I love.
Got collars in a bison herd for the first time in 30 years.
Published my master’s research.
Landed a job in the field as an environmental specialist.
Banded my first bird.
Developed a reputation as a battle axe. I’ll always advocate for wildlife.
Survived my current job and am on to the next.
Proud of how quickly I hit my stride running my program for my first permanent position.