Summarize your job duties in 10 words or less
Ask a Biologist Monday 9/5/22
Answers from Biologists:
Threatened and endangered species recovery and habitat restoration.
Primate necropsies with tissue distribution to minimize monkeys used.
Make maps, review data, emails and calls, attend meetings.
Make sure transportation projects don’t impact our local wildlife.
Catch juvenile salmon to discover habitat preference.
Use trained detection dogs to conduct wildlife surveys.
Collect long term monitoring data for fisheries.
Collect samples from roadkill and write a big thesis.
Commercial guide outfitter licensing and allocation management. And data queries.
Conserve and restore remnants of a declining ecosystem.
Riparian surveys, supporting clean water, flood control, and mitigation projects.
Human/wildlife damage mitigation with a focus on urban areas.
Count fish using complex and often expensive methods.
Monitor restored wetlands and write big reports. Teach the youths.
Fauna sampling for a 30 year project.
Surveying and mapping rare and sensitive plant communities.
Balance protection and development.
Necropsies, stable isotopes, and all things coyote for a thesis.
Cheetah keeper in Africa.
Hang pink flags on wetland edge.
Give bats a mic to sing to.
Observe Oregon’s threatened and endangered plants and create conservation and restoration strategies.
Autopsies on large carnivore species and assisting population management research.
Project manage digital aerial wildlife survey projects for offshore renewables.
Manage and protect saline lake ecosystems.
Chase sneaky birds in hopes of sciencing. Survey habitat of sneaky birds.
Expand environmental education programs for k-12 students in rural Oregon.
Manage 50 invasive python removal contractors and their data.
State oversight on industrial development. Sage grouse, migration corridors, wildlife.
Determine factors in salamander elevational gradients, then write a thesis.
Wetland restoration. Pine reforestation. Keep Florida wild.
Band waterfowl.
Western NC small mammals. Are they genetically diverse or not?
Walk up hills and look at ground.
Make more of endangered species (conservation breeding).
Find bats, explain nature, know the law.
Evaluate everglades restoration projects for impacts to threatened/endangered species.
Research and conserve coral reefs of American Samoa’s sanctuary waters.
Prevent transportation projects from impacting sensitive species and habitat.
Estimate populations to open trapping/hunting seasons on popular species.
Identify plant communities to help guide sustainable development.
Take different funding sources and fix habitat.
Ensure projects in/near water don’t negatively impact fish.
Remove invasive plants. Rx burning. Wildlife surveys. Manage check stations.
Coordinate research for a field station and conduct wildlife research.
Bear/human conflict mitigation.
Track special status species (all taxa) in Arizona.
Remove protected and endangered species from a power plant intake.
Teach people how to watch bighorn sheep behave.
Novice salamander tatooer (to tag them) and undergrad student.
Rescue, rehabilitate, research, and necropsy marine animals.
Restore land the military messed up.
Haze waterfowl and shorebirds from tailings ponds to protect them from oiling.
Manage big game populations.
Make data FAIR-findable, interoperable, accessible, and reproducible.
Conservation on private lands funded through the Farm Bill.
Saving the turtles.
Teach people about birds.
Measure random stuff my boss tells me to.
Drop rabilois to trash pandas.
Manage wildlife for private land owners. Help get tax exemptions.
Manage wildlife on reservation and in ceded territory.
Manage biological monitoring programs in an estuary.
Recover at-risk species, protect habitat, expand protected areas.
Sell conservation to landowners and ranchers in sage-grouse country.
Monitor bird and mosquito populations for avian malaria in Hawai’i.
Catching falcons, fitting telemetry, cleaning data, coding, analysis, writing thesis.
Find out why dead animals died. Try to stop it.
Manage human/wildlife conflicts on airports.