What are some less known areas/jobs in Biology?
Ask A Biologist Monday 1/9/23
Answers from Biologists:
Installing exotic fly traps into residential areas (city/county job)
County/Township Parks and Recreation
Plant pathology. Working on understanding plant diseases.
Fire ecologist
Collections work in museums
Airport biologist-managing wildlife hazards to planes
Park naturalist
Entomology. Insects are so important and yet tend to get overlooked
Children/teen STEM camps or academic programs/activities
Habitat connectivity
Construction biological monitoring
Environmental education/outreach
Medical entomology
Visitor’s service/hospitality roles
Wildlife genetics
Bioacoustics. Very important and few people know what it is
Conservation dog work/sample collection
Wildlife biology artists. Someone’s got to make those figures/diagrams/infrographics!
Human dimensions-the human side of human wildlife conflict
Natural resource planner. Mix of biology/ecology/environmental science
Rangeland ecology/management
Molecular ecology
Agriculture. State government runs working research farms with biologists and environmental scientists.
Wildlife forensics
Biosecurity officers
State DOTs need biologists to ensure projects comply with environmental laws.
Research in wild rodents in contrast to lab mice.
Rangeland ecology-plants, wildlife, fire, and agriculture
Biologist for the military. Most bases have full time biologists.
Land trusts-both national and state levels