What is a crazy or weird nature fact?

Ask a Biologist Monday 4/18/22

Answers from Biologists:

  • Bobcats predate deer in Florida-they kills and hide the carcass and then return to eat for 3-5 days.

  • Coastal wolves eat sea otters, chiton, intertidal fish species, so many things!

  • The Mola mola is the largest bony fish in the world despite their primary diet being jellyfish.

  • The largest living organism is a fungus.

  • Some jaguars that range in coastal areas like to eat nesting sea turtles.

  • Peromyscus species will “foot drum” and hit their paws against dead leaves (or a trap).

  • There have been a number of different animals (that aren’t mammals or birds) that can perform pathogenesis (self-fertilization).

  • Opossums body temperature is so low that it’s extremely rare for them to have rabies.

  • Bats give bl$wjobs.

  • River otter families will use bird-like chirping noises to find each other when lost.

  • Male angler fish bite and fuse themselves onto the much larger females like a parasite.

  • The smallest and the fourth largest mammal both communicate via echolocation.

  • Ketamine is produced by Pochonia chlamydosporia fungi as an anti-parasitic.

  • Whale sharks are the largest non-mammalian creature-average size is 32 feet, 20k lbs.

  • Crested auklets smell like tangerines.

  • The toxin in the Destroying Angel mushrooms inhibits RNA polymerase.

  • Cactus ferruginous Pygmy owls in Arizona have exhibited incestuous breeding pairs.

  • Hoary bats have penis spines, the longest of which are ~1cm (6% of their body length).

  • Pallid bats can eat scorpions and are immune to the venom.

  • Deer will occasionally snack on birds (and dead salmon).

  • Wombat feces are in the shape of cubes. 80-100 each night!

  • Black bears can eat up to 20,000 calories a day when preparing for winter.

  • Garden spiders will eat their old webs as an added source of protein.

  • Armadillos have identical quadruplets.

  • Burrowing owls can make rattlesnake sounds when frightened.

  • Common dolphins watch gray whales mate. They actively follow to watch.

  • A narwhal’s horn is their tooth sticking through their head.

  • Some species of whiptail lizards are parthenogenic, meaning they are all female.

  • Most types of skunks can spray multiple times (up to 7).

  • Badgers and coyotes have been found to cooperatively hunt.

  • You can sex a beaver by squeezing its butt glands.

  • Polar bears are marine mammals.

  • Some wildlife at Chernobyl has adapted to continuously get rid of radiation to survive.

  • Opossum nipples are in a bullseye configuration.

  • Walruses have the largest baculum (penis bone) in the animal kingsdom.

  • Porcupines have an average of 30,000 quills.

  • The furthest inland a shark has been seen was near St. Louis, over 7000 miles from the ocean.

  • An adult Hawaiin petrel (‘Ua’u in Hawaiian) can fly over 6000 miles in one trip to collect food for their trip.

  • Sperm whales echolocate at 200 decibels per second, making them the loudest animal.

  • Copperheads smell like cucumbers.

  • Barred owls can crack turtle shells with their beaks.

  • Amphisbaenians…the fact that they exist!

  • Echidna males have a 4 headed penis but only use 2 at a time.

  • Saw whet owls have pink party pants that only show up under UV light (used to determine age).

  • Turkey vultures vomit when they feel threatened.

  • Bedbugs reproduce through traumatic insemination where the male just stabs and hopes.

  • Giraffes will munch animal bones to get extra calcium.

  • Crocodile penises look like the Tremors worm and a tulip had a baby.


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