What stands out the most in job applications/people reaching out to you?
Ask a Biologist Monday 10/16/23
Answers from Biologists:
Realistic about their skills-you don’t have to know everything to start a position.
Comfortable in the field in occasionally not so great environmental conditions.
They seem genuinely interested in moving to a rural area and engaging with community.
Using the cover letter to connect the dots (or gaps)in experience that fit the job post.
Willingness and aptitude to learn with new species and new areas.
A team player
Has fun while working in the field.
Kindness, curiosity, and problem solving skills.
Ability to hold a conversation and ask directed, thoughtful questions.
Off trail navigation/using GPS/being able to find your way back to the vehicle without seeing it.
Good grammar in their email/cover letter.
Willingness to ask questions.
Having a future goal in mind and how the position will serve them with that goal in mind.
Ability to be humble and not act like they know everything.
Indication that they know they won’t know everything but they can use their resources.
They ask thoughtful questions beyond specifics of posting.
Plant skills.
Experience with “less exciting” jobs-shows me you can handle the more mundane tasks too.
A demonstrated passion for learning through self-study, naturalist groups, etc,.