What’s a recent exciting advancement in the field?
Ask a Biologist Monday 7/19/22
Answers from Biologists:
Focus on urban conservation and environmental justice.
Cloning endangered species with preserved genetic material (ex: black footed ferret).
Greater focus on traditional ecological knowledge.
Accelerometer (ACC) data from transmitters to remotely quantify animal behavior.
The push to pay technicians a living wage.
STEAM! The blending of art and science. It’s beautiful.
The focus on sci-comm and sci-art. Folks are realizing what powerful tools these are.
Tiny solar powered satellite tags for birds to track migration remotely.
We’ve started using LiDAR with our digital aerial surveys to measure flight heights of birds.
Drone DNA collection from the blows of whales. It’s like a video game to predict it.
Use of species range maps to prioritize land acquisition to promote biodiversity.
Continuous time movement modeling to quantify movement.
Stable isotope analysis of tissue and hair.
MOTUS network expanding and Nano tags.
Survey 123/Epicollect. Collecting data electronically saves time and you carry less.
Smaller, stronger GPS tags.
Underwater drones to survey for turtles.
Combining AI and citizen science to improve wildlife identification in photos.
Live camera feeds on bird nests.
Advancements in acoustic surveys to study bats, birds, frogs/toads, and more!
Using conservation dogs to do scent work on projects.
Anti-poaching transmitters that can even sense when the animal is under stress.
Using drones to plant trees.
Artificial intelligence to track deforestation and water loss.
Infrared imaging of animals.