How do you balance personal time with your career?


Answers from Biologists:

  • Running! If I go fast enough I can't ID every single plant then I can clear my head.

  • My kitties and partner encourage me to rest and recover before going back to the field.

  • Guard my evenings and weekends like Smaug guards his treasure.

  • I turn my planner into a glamorized to do list so I can keep what I need to do on paper, freeing my mind and allowing me to relax.

  • Boundaries, saying no when possible. Also taking time in which you don't talk about work.

  • Get into work early and out early so I can spend some daylight with my family and sci Fi books.

  • I am intentional with my rest and leisure time. I stop work at 5 and schedule breaks.

  • Have a list of to do's sit the day and the week. When it's done it's personal time.

  • I have fixed office hours and do not work outside of them unless necessary.

  • It's tough, but saying no to too much work, setting boundaries, and dog walks.

  • I try to stick to a regular schedule and avoid working weekends.

  • I don't check my email when I'm not at work, except on super rare occasions.

  • Hobbies! It's important to have things that take your mind off work.

  • Make sure I always get my exercise and house cleaning in.

  • I've been making sure to take evenings and weekends off and plan relaxation time.

  • I set strict schedules for when I work.

  • Strong boundaries for weekend personal time. No email checking. Fun trips.


What’s your favorite study species and why?


What have you learned the hard way in your career?