What have you learned the hard way in your career?

Ask A Biologist 9/20/21

I have truly learned the importance of caring for and prioritizing my mental health. I hit a breaking point in graduate school and could not longer ignore the care that my mind and body needed. In the long run, caring for yourself really does pay off.

Answers from Biologists:

  • My worth

  • Your career doesn’t have to be your identity. Be a biologist but be yourself.

  • Working for free isn’t the only way to get a job/experience.

  • Patience and tenacity are key. Keep moving forward despite the negative in the path.

  • Conflict resolution skills.

  • Not knowing an answer and instead researching it is not a sign of weakness.

  • That in research failure can and should be an option because you can learn just as much.

  • It’s okay not to know what you’re doing all the time.

  • Always wear sunscreen.

  • It can be really hard to find a permanent job, even with a Master’s and lots of experience.

  • Sexism is still an obstacle for young women in this field.

  • Be super clear about your boundaries with time.

  • Burnout happens. You may get shamed for needing time off because “your job is so fun!'“

  • Your values and ethics don’t always align with the people making the final decisions.

  • Take pictures, even if what you are doing is “boring” or frustrating. You may want to look back on it or use the photos later.

  • Being 1st generation student will mean more work but also more appreciation of where you are.

  • Not everyone will understand what you do and not everyone has to.

  • Keep healthy boundaries between you and your work.

  • You will have to fight to show the worth of interdisciplinary science. Still worth it.

  • Balancing work and school may require time off from one or both for mental health.

  • Just because your advisor has 20+ years of experience, they should never make you feel less than you are worth.

  • A good supervisor is worth a few grand a year in salary.

  • Not everyone has your back. Seek out people who do. Your career will be better.

  • Help out colleagues with job opportunities if you can.

  • I’m braver, stronger and more determined than I think.

  • If I want to have happy colleagues, then I need to eat food.

  • You might be the only one trying to better the status quo.

  • Communicate when your mental health is affecting your work.

  • Set up a Roth IRA and put money in it. Do not rely on agency retirement accounts early in your career.

  • Imposter syndrome is real. Your opinions are valid so speak up and be present.

  • Zip off pants are a marsh ecologist’s best friend.

  • Art and science go great together. Nobody believed me at the beginning.

  • We all have our own path. Be inspired, not discouraged by those doing the work of your dreams.


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