What was your favorite moment from work this year?

Answers from Biologists:

  • Seeing Eastern Diamondbacks in NC

  • Catching 9 bobcats in under 2 weeks

  • Teaching undergraduate volunteers how to age and collect CWD samples off deer

  • Leaving a toxic PhD advisor and joining a wonderful lab

  • Seeing rare species of birds on nest sweeps like the Sora and Common nighthawk

  • When the animal ambassador kestrel perched on command with no mice given

  • Capturing my first armadillo in a live trap successfully after finally getting funds and IACUC approval

  • Awarded NAF GRFP and started grad school with the best lab and advisor

  • Being recognized for my contributions and input being valued by my PI

  • Contracted 24 miles of woven wire fencing to be removed and replaced it with wildlife friendly fencing

  • Spotting a CA condor chick and a peregrine falcon flying by me in the same day

  • Learning more about bobcats and what amazing and elusive creatures they are

  • Getting a grant for my dream field research on red eyed tree frogs

  • Getting hired as the youngest tech in my division by 10 years

  • Got a neotrop grant to start a Caribbean land bird monitoring program

  • Got a whole municipality to make nature including building for any new buildings (bat boxes)

  • Being part of a team to get Canadian migratory bats listed as endangered

  • Getting my first full time job

  • Getting my first job where I get to focus on wildlife protection and not damage management

  • Trapped the highest number of prairie dogs my PI has ever seen

  • Getting to recreate the monarch exhibit, education program and rear over 100 healthy individuals

  • When my students thanked me for a good semester. I was wicked stressed and want’t expecting it at all

  • Published my first paper as lead author about the Western bluebirds I work with

  • Found 4 nesting birds in one massive oak tree

  • Restored 1200’ of shoreline and 9 oyster reefs in just under 4 months and they're thriving

  • Seeing a bunch of crocodiles basking

  • Bred 20,000 endangered tadpoles. Previously our record was 2000

  • A series of small triumphs getting R code to work properly.

  • Swabbing hundreds of bats for white nose syndrome and having all results come back negative

  • Collaring bison in northern British Columbia

  • Finally starting a project that was suppose to start in 2020

  • Graduated with a BS in Wildlife Bio

  • Getting my first pub in a magazine

  • Finding the first documented leatherback nest on South Padre Island

  • Had my first author manuscript accepted into a journal

  • Got headhunted for a junior wildlife bio job before starting my last semester of undergrad

  • Supervising some undergrads and teaching them the ins and outs of catching bats

  • Trapping swift foxes to be reintroduced to Ft. Belknap in MT

  • Doing nest bird surveys in CA hearing hermit thrush calls throughout the forest

  • Finding 9 Rusty patch bumblebees during one day of surveys

  • Found an elusive state threatened mudpuppy in western Iowa

  • Heli-darting 20 caribou while 5 months pregnant

  • My step daughter was voted best project in her class based on her help with the monarchs this season

  • Getting paid to work on O'ahu

  • Getting a new job with a raise and much better benefits and more compelling work

  • Catching a baby Goliath grooper (under 50mm) in a seagrass trawl

  • Actually seeing the animal I'd been tracking (red wolf)

  • Finally getting a permanent, salaried position with great benefits

  • Finally finished my Master's and looks like I landed a great job

  • Starting my first field season of grad school

  • Learning to tube and pit tag rattlesnakes

  • Getting my BS in Biology

  • Getting an illegal party that’s been happening at my park for 10+ years shut down for the first time

  • We found 2 pairs of Northern spotted owls in a place they hadn’t been in years

  • Getting to ride in a helicopter to our field sites


What is a Biology-related goal of yours for 2022?


Do you recommend your BS/MS/PhD program(s)?