What is a Biology-related goal of yours for 2022?

Ask a Biologist 1/3/22

Answers from Biologists:

  • Try to publish my first article

  • Pass my mussel test and be state qualified for relocation

  • Finally have a job in my field after completing my master’s degree

  • Learn more coding skills

  • Find an advisor for grad school

  • Get my master’s degree and find a PhD position

  • Pass my qualifying exams for my PhD

  • Saying “no” more. I love my job but I am more than my job.

  • Get into grad school and get better at identifying tracks

  • Finish my master’s thesis (and defend it)

  • Submit thesis chapters for publication

  • Finish my thesis

  • Get into grad school and gain more fieldwork experience

  • Coordinate with other agencies and states to improve our best management practices

  • Continue to advocate for and ensure research projects are properly designed

  • Leave Botswana to start my fieldwork for my master’s thesis

  • Defend my thesis

  • Get that international ajolote collaboration going

  • I have 3 manuscripts I really need to submit

  • Develop an internship curriculum to help prep for grad school. ArcMap, R, lit review, etc.

  • Every year is the same: more fish!

  • Get any bio-related job and or figure out if I want to do graduate school

  • Find a new job in this field that actually excites and motivates me

  • Defend my master’s thesis

  • Get into a good grad program

  • To make my certificate into a master’s degree

  • Finish my master’s thesis

  • Get better at having work/life balance and give good advice/make new people feel welcome

  • Read more bio/nature related books

  • To finish my thesis and defend

  • Start my master’s and be able to identify at least 5 species of nematodes without help

  • Find a subject for my master’s thesis

  • Improve my grant writing skills. I’m applying for over $300k worth of grants this year

  • Starting my PhD

  • Enroll into grad school. It is time for that next step

  • Finish my associate’s so I can do my bachelor’s

  • Get fully prepped for our offices first bison collaring effort

  • Learn how to slow down, say no, and prioritize life outside of work

  • Improve my mushroom, lichen, and mold ID skills

  • Learn new trapping skills and get “that promotion”

  • Make time to keep up on current research, especially related to win/solar/bats/birds

  • Come up with a thesis idea

  • Start my microbiology master’s program this fall

  • Driving trailers and mastering fly fishing

  • Employment and experience

  • Publish my PhD work that I worked on the last 4 years

  • To defend my dissertation (6 yrs, a move, and a kiddo later)

  • Pass my comprehensive exam

  • Finally get a job or internship in my field

  • Move to a new country and find as many species as I can

  • Work life balance. And more practice in R

  • Write a paper with another scientist I look up to


What is a recent advance/discovery in your area of the field?


What was your favorite moment from work this year?