What was/is the topic of your thesis/dissertation?
Ask A Biologist Monday 6/12/23
Answers from Biologists:
Breeding ecology and habitat selection of American Woodcock.
Dorsal patterns of Uta Lizards compared to substrate/rock they were basking and morph.
Improving detection and capture of invasive Burmese python.
Impacts of noise on songbird reproduction and behavior.
Annual grassland bird use in restored and remnant prairies.
Insect pollinator habitat connectivity in urban environments.
Evaluating and establishing baseline levels of PFAS and heavy metals in bald eagles.
How white tailed deer influence cattle fever tick abundance.
Hg transfer up food webs and spatial distribution in fish and seabirds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Characterization of algal communities and their relation to water quality in a riverine system.
Taxonomy, phylogeny, and host-range distribution of parasites of sharks/fishes.
Alfalfa weevil insecticide resistance and resistance management in the western US.
Effect of mesquite encroachment on mixed grass prairie composition.
Differential gene expression in CWD-positive and negative white tailed deer.
Assessing the response of vegetation and waterfowl to the drawdown of a wetland.
Characterized the chemical profile of several species of poison frogs.
How temperature variations impact amphibian disease.
Invertebrate survey of farm. Farmer hadn’t changed their practices since the 1940’s. Lots of bugs!
Consequences of drought for juveniles and population dynamics in dryland songbirds.
Survival rates and home ranges of Blanding’s turtles.
How extreme cold climates affect aquatic microbial communities. What happens in and under the ice.
Understanding how landscape configuration impacts bobcats.
Coyote diet and population demographics.
Cliff swallows and drought.
Bioenergetics of waterbirds on Great Salt Lake wetlands under different water inflow scenarios.
Using satellite images to track dieback of Phragmites at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
Effects of paper mill effluent on the reproductive axis in bullhead minnows.
Impacts of chronic human noise on ecosystem function in the sage-steppe.
Comparative study of corticosterone levels in 3 species of water snake.
Conditional occupancy and habitat of rocky shiners, using data to get them listed with ESA.
Mountain lion resource selection and habitat use in Central coast of California.
Movement ecology post translocation from airfields of RTHA, SEOW, and GHOW.
Wild pig resource selection and efficacy of removal methods.
Effects of domestic cat presence on foraging behavior of passerines.
Space use, survival, and cause-specific mortality of white-tailed deer fawns.
If interspecific aggression between 2 salamander species affects their elevational ranges.
How different climate variables affect western larch wood density.
Pollinator biodiversity after wildfire in under-surveyed landscapes.
Cellular mechanisms that lead to preferential pH regulation in some fish species.
If flowers within a cabbage field would increase parasitism of caterpillars.
Effects of prairie dogs and their management on plant and animal communities in the Great Plains.
Barriers to wild pig management on private lands.
Mixture of toxicity of neonicotinoids (pesticides) on embryonic and larval fathead minnows.
Exploratory look into returning Snake River fall Chinook salmon “mini jacks”.
California sea lion aggression and competition.
Survey of the ensemble of medium and large mammals in protected area in Cordoba, Argentina.
Population dynamics of deer in South Florida using camera and telemetry data.
In situ hatching orientation in green sea turtles, focusing on different types of light.
Hibernation site selection/ecology of Eastern Massasaugua rattlesnakes.
Effects of invasive earthworms on the linkage between soil food web and broader food web: salamanders.
Chemical ecology of trembling aspen and impacts on plant community dynamics.
Prevalence and store/employee awareness of invasive crayfishes in retail pet trade.
Effects of industrial extractive activities (logging/mining) on zoonotic spillover risk.
Natural roost selection of the little brown bat.
Bighorn sheep respiratory disease surveillance via behavior and community science.
Measured local stream health around human activity using the Hilsenhoff index.
Toxicology of Arctic seabirds with Atlantic Puffins in Svalbard.
Effects of anthropogenic impacts on restored wetland communities.
Impacts of insecticides on migratory shorebirds in the Prairie Pothole region.
Red wolf audio cues to determine if red wolves can limit raccoon foraging behavior.
Disease and habitat suitability for nine-banded armadillos.
How social and ecological factors influence Mexican wolf home range size.
Bacterial competition and how bacteria fix and break down organic carbon.
Land use effects on turtle abundance, movement, and heavy metal bioaccumulation.