Tips for being a good mentor/supervisor to technicians?
Ask A Biologist Monday 6/19/23
Answers from Biologists:
Don’t treat them as “techs” but as fellow professionals who also have valid and useful ideas.
Get out in the field with them. Work alongside them.
Develop personal connections (respect boundaries though). Shows you’re human too.
Focus when possible on their development as a scientist-new training, skills, etc.
Give space for techs to voice their ideas and perspectives. Be open to learn from them.
Listen to them.
Look out for their safety.
Be a good reference/network point.
Treat them as the young professionals they are (and not just a laborer to get work done).
Know mistakes will happen and address them; support wins too! Encouragement goes far.
Listen to them when they voice their concerns with an open mind.
Add professional development hours (trainings, resume workshop, interview practice).
A “good job” goes a long way for tired techs morale.
Set goals for the season for each tech.
Share your journey getting to your position.
Get them into as many trainings as possible.
Understand that they have lives outside of work.
Take a genuine interest in them as people.
Be sure they’re getting regular days off.
Fight hard to increase their pay any time that you can.
Have an up to date field safety plan.
Make sure you’re paying them a fair hourly wage.