What’s one thing you wish you could change about this field?
Ask a Biologist Monday 12/5/22
Answers from Biologists:
Chances for promotions/raises.
Diversity in leadership/staff.
Hazard pay for all the crazy scenarios we deal with.
Old, white boy’s club at field stations that leads to lack of diversity.
An international union so we would have the power to fight for fair pay.
More diverse and inclusive workplaces.
To be close to my support system. Remote work can really take it out of you.
The pay and passion exploitation. It can be difficult to stay motivated to succeed.
Feeling like you always have to prove yourself even when you’re qualified.
Increased representation of people of color especially African American.
Hustle culture. Love my job but I want time to do other things.
The barriers to getting started and getting a permanent job.
Expectation of long hours with no compensation.
Egotistical supervisors.
Poor work life balance.
Ease of accessibility for getting into the field. There are so many barriers.
More government funding for management and conservation (would also result in better pay).
Good ole boys club.
Make it more safe for BIPOC in the field.
The pay. Most of my state agency are massively underpaid.
Lack of funding.
Make it more accessible for people of all backgrounds.
The gatekeeping.
Being expected to move constantly for seasonal work or any permanent job or promotion.
Having a secure job for more than 3 months at a time.
Able to get permanent work earlier in your career.
Not having to move and sacrifice our lives.
The hours and the pay.
The idea that you’re not allowed to do anything else or take time off.
More jobs for those who can’t drive due to a disability.
Time and budget constraints.
Expectation to sacrifice personal life to do remote work.
Overwork. Hire more staff and pay them right. People need breaks.
Egos and territorial nature of biologists with their study species.
Proper gear provided by the employer.
Field vehicles that fit petite people properly. I hate being the only one with a booster.
All around consistency. Opportunities, pay, schedules, etc.
Better funded.
More accessible entry level positions.
Greater diversity.
Good healthcare. We put our bodies through so much in the field, but rarely have insurance to take care of ourselves.
Looking down on people trying to enter the field who didn’t grow up in the outdoors.
Glorified grind culture and work to be done on your own time/dime.
So much focus on game species. Nongame species need funding too.
Having decent housing for techs.
Dependable, safe vehicles.
Safer for women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+.
The expectation that we have to wear many hats to accomplish conservation goals.
Living wage.
The lack of mentorship due to aggressive gatekeeping.
More straightforward career path.
Increased unions.
Access to numerous jobs within all states.
The toxicity of academia.
The racist, exclusionary and Eurocentric view of conservation.
A living wage.
Queer representation and all representation for that matter.
More permanent job opportunities.
The competitive working mentality. Working more hours isn’t a bragging point. It’s a problem.
Fieldwork more focused on the wildlife and not just managing the people around wildlife.
How difficult/competitive it is to get a permanent job.
More respect for work life balance.
So many old men in power.
Job opportunities.
Easier funding of research.
More permanent jobs.
Better funding overall.