How many years did you work in the field of Biology before getting a full time job?


I worked as a technician for 3 summers during undergrad and worked in a lab during the year in undergrad. Then I worked as a seasonal technician for 2 years between undergrad and grad school, and 1 year after grad school.

  • 2 field seasons so far. Not permanent yet.

  • 2 years then got an environmental planner spot with the county of Riverside.

  • If you count BS degree, 6.5 years before MS and PhD before I was lucky enough to land tenure.

  • 5 years of term work after my BS, in addition to my work in school for 2.5 years, and 3 years volunteering.

  • 3 years as an intern/Americorps before USGS (even then I’m a permanent-seasonal tech)

  • This is my 6th seasonal position and I’ve had my MS since ‘18. Starting vet school in August.

  • Got a permanent wildlife biologist job with USFWS straight out of undergrad. Zero paid field experience but a couple years of volunteering/interning on the side with a STEP program.

  • 1 year-staff biologist at a Biological consulting firm.

  • 3 seasons with different agencies before I got a permanent role in my current agency.

  • Just awarded a 1 year contract after 2 years of seasonal tech jobs.

  • 1 year but I have worked for environmental consulting firms.

  • 9 years but I am still only part time.

  • I have had 2 field positions and still no sign of permanent.

  • Still doing seasonal gigs. I have had my BS for 8 years and MSc for 2 years.

  • 4 seasons then wildlife biologist job.

  • 2 years as a biotech while getting my MS. Biological planner with USFWS.

  • No permanent yet but it took 4 years of applications to get a graduate environmental scientist position.

  • 5 years plus grad school. Got a permanent job in water resources engineering/fisheries.

  • Interned 4 years in college, taught 2 units before becoming an ecologist at an environmental consulting firm. I teach now but think about going back to ecology.

  • 1.5 years in total-Range and Wildlife Conservation with Pheasant’s Forever.

  • 1 year before grad school and 6 months after-Federal.

  • 6 months-Environmental Specialist (Riparian Ecologist).

  • 10 years of school, 3 seasonal positions-AIS Specialist-Arizona Game and Fish.

  • 7 years-Wildlife biologist/ornithologist for an environmental consulting company.

  • 2 years-vegetational ecologist at an institute for ecology.

  • 1 summer in undergrad, 9 months after BS, and several years vet tech jobs-State biologist in water quality.

  • 4 years-1 as a horticulturalist, 1 as a paleontologist, 2 as a biological tech.

  • A little over 3 years-Gila River Specialist.

  • 7 years and first permanent job was a zookeeper.

  • 1 year-I worked part time for the agency for 2 years in undergrad though.

  • 4 years field tech jobs, 3 years MS-Environmental consulting

  • 11 including undergrad and grad school-Heritage Data Management System Data Specialist.

  • Been working towards it since 2008.

  • 7 years in November and I still don’t have a permanent job.

  • 2.5 years-Recreational Coordinator.

  • 6 years-Project Support Officer.

  • 7 Years-Fish and Wildlife biologist with USFWS.

  • Almost 6 years.

  • Got a full time job right after my MS.

  • After undergrad I taught for 1 year. I worked for 4 summers during undergrad and grad school.

  • 6 years and still waiting.

  • 4 years research assistant, 2 years field tech, 6 months bio contract.

  • 8 years-Senior Wildlife technician.


What is a myth/misunderstanding about your job?


What’s your craziest/funniest field story?