What’s your craziest/funniest field story?

Ask A Biologist 7/5/21

Follow up: We both let it go and stepped back from the bear. It took a few steps and rolled onto its back so we were able to increase the dose of the anesthetic and gather our scientific data/collar it.

Answers from Biologists:

  • Got stuck in quicksand on a say when everything went wrong. My field partner pulled me out.

  • Got charged by a sow grizzly with 2 cubs. Had to bear spray them from 4 feet away.

  • Got horribly lost at a site I had spent 2 years surveying for dragonflies. Twice in 1 week.

  • Chased/harassed by a spotted owl in the dark while doing a marbled murrelet survey. It made me cry!

  • Finding a soft boiled and hatched egg at a nest site with a known weeks dead turkey.

  • Passed out from stress while pit tagging a bat.

  • Worked a 48 hour Search and Rescue shift that ended in a helicopter rescue.

  • Spent an hour sitting on TOP of the cab of my truck faced off with a mama moose and her calves.

  • Locked both car key sets in the car with ALL the field gear.

  • Seeing a guy in full hazmat gear walking a grown cow on a leash in the front yard of a house.

  • Chased out of a river where I was resting and soaking by a herd of bison.

  • Took a step into a wetland that looks fairly dry. Sank in up to my waist and had to be pulled out.

  • Coworker ran over a bear spray can and sprayed everyone in the parking lot, our crew included.

  • Found myself face to face with a peccary. We both got surprised and ran like hell!

  • I blew up a field truck. Hollywood style. Kablooey!

  • I wild pig bit my foot while I was trying to capture it. My toes were fine, I was wearing thick boots.

  • Charged by a black rhino while doing a latrine survey for brown hyenas.

  • Saw a shuttle break through the atmosphere at 4am and didn’t know it was human activity.

  • A barred owl flew into my mist net over my head as I extracted a titmouse.

  • Had a tree fall on me.

  • Trying to get a snare off a young bull moose, he stood up with me on top of him.

  • Working on private land, cows surrounded our vehicle and trapped us for over an hour.

  • Surrounded by dingoes at 4am in the dark.

  • Working on a military base, I set off a booby trap with a smoke bomb on my study site.

  • I had a duck nibble on my nipple when I was banding it. Luckily I still have my nipple and the duck got a leg band.

  • A bear stole my field pack with my GPS and spot device. Found it down the street in one piece.

  • Went for a dip in a gator hole for the hundredth time. This time momma was home.

  • Fyke nets with a 50lb snapping turtle.

  • Waving at my crush/coworker then tripping in a hole and face planting right in front of them.

  • Took a nap during my break and woke up with a rattlesnake inside my shirt.

  • Sat on a manzanita branch when I was going pee in a field and it punctured my butt.

  • Came across a man performing a cleansing ritual…in the nude.

  • Fell in one of the trout raceways at a hatchery.

  • Went to inventory a spring within a cave and the moment I turned my headlamp on I was swarmed by wasps.

  • Didn’t realize how steep the pond dropped off until I was suddenly fully submerged.

  • Melted the side mirror off our fire rig getting too close to the flames on a rowdy fire.

  • Broke my finger hiking over scree.

  • Giant rat fell on me so I fell in the river and lost the key to our canoe. At 3am. In the middle of nowhere.

  • Had a naked guy jog right past me while I was doing bird surveys. He didn’t even care.

  • Chainsawing into a nest box 20 feet up a tree and having wasps swarm out.

  • Driving through an intense storm that caused many trees to fall in front of our truck.

  • Was extracting a sharp shinned hawk from a mist net and one of its talons went into my finger.

  • Got surrounded by a herd of bison and had to hide until my coworker could pick me up.

  • Was cleaning a large fish tank and fell in.

  • Selfie with a bat that decided right at that moment to fly at us.

  • Tent mate and I had quiet food poisoning events all not trying not to disturb the lions eating 10 feet away.

  • Got into a fight with a mute swan I wanted to band. He won.

  • Fell waist deep into snow while bird watching.

  • Found a dead rattler, was holding it only to find out it wasn’t dead, just stunned.


How many years did you work in the field of Biology before getting a full time job?


What is a hobby of yours, unrelated to work?