What’s the best career decision you’ve made so far?

Ask a Biologist 8/16/21

My best decision so far was taking a break between undergrad and graduate school. I spent those couple of years working seasonal tech positions. This enabled me to increase my experience for my resume (variety of species worked with, amount of fieldwork done, variety of agencies and organizations worked for, travel all over the country before I was more “settled down" (before I had a dog, got married/moved to the same place as my SO, bought a house, etc.), hugely expanded my network within the field, gave me time to find a graduate school position and advisor that fit me and my needs/wants, get a mental break from school so I could regain my passion for academia, and was truly one of the best times of my life!

Answers from Biologists:

  • Going to grad school during the pandemic.

  • Taking my current position in Arizona despite not being sure about the area. I have gained a ton of new skills!

  • Removing a toxic professor from my grad committee.

  • Service year in AmeriCorps planning public events for a nature center. So many skills!

  • Learning lots of ecological statistics.

  • Taking time to volunteer and get relevant experience. Even if it’s just the occasional weekend.

  • Turned down a position that wasn’t relevant to my career goals and had several red flags-got a great job a month later.

  • Moving for my partner’s career. Put me in a position to nab a permanent position I love!

  • Taking a year off to work after undergrad and before grad school.

  • Getting certified to drive boats for the DOI.

  • Holding onto my research project despite the pandemic.

  • Willingness to move to get experience.

  • Breaking my comfort zone and going out of state for grad school.

  • Switching labs during my PhD. Your advisor can make or break your grad school experience.

  • Volunteering for a state wildlife management agency and having them on my thesis committee.

  • Applying to a USFWS internship on a whim. I got it and it’s setting me up for a post-PhD.

  • Moving across the country for a job. It made my career what it is today.

  • Leaving a relationship that was keeping me from accomplishing my career goals.

  • Moving across the country (Canada) and not limiting myself on location.

  • Leaving my toxic PhD program and trusting my capabilities as they were.

  • Graduating with as little debt as possible.

  • Going to school as an older student. It was tough but I appreciated it and took nothing for granted.

  • Going to community college and transferring to a university. Was able to graduate debt free!

  • Applying for a fellowship that I felt was out of my reach. Don’t let imposter syndrome get you!

  • Moving across the country to get out of my comfort zone.

  • To follow my heart and work on projects that meant something to me.


Describe your job in 10 words or less.


What are your tips for travelling, especially alone?