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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Pros/Cons of working in different sectors?

Ask a Biologist Monday 10/30/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Feds:

    • Cons

      • Difficult to advance

      • Drowning in hiring pool

      • Waiting 6 months for simple hiring paperwork

      • Low pay to cost of living

      • Bureaucracy

      • Politics

      • Red tape

      • Steady work

      • Rate caps on pay

      • Can be limited by jurisdiction

      • Drama between orgs

      • Less field time/more office work

      • Hard to get a permanent position

      • Long timelines

      • Burnout potential is high

    • Pros

      • We do a lot of science in house

      • Programs well funded

      • Training potential

      • Lots of experience

      • flexible

      • Decent pay

      • Private land conservation

      • Good pay

      • Funding

      • Job security

      • Hours worked are respected

      • Overtime pay

      • Holidays

      • Paid trainings

      • Better work/life balance

      • Unionized (Canada)

      • Meaningful work

  • Academia

    • Cons

      • Toxic

      • Soft money

      • Poor pay

    • Pros

      • Groundbreaking projects

      • Good benefits

  • Private

    • Cons

      • Health insurance not always provided

      • Competitive

      • Crazy hours

      • Demanding clients

    • Pros

      • Good pay

      • Can be enjoyable (if you find the right one)

      • Rewarding

      • Exposure to a wide variety of work

  • State

    • Cons

      • Terrible pay

      • Paperwork

      • Slow approval process

      • Politics

      • Lack of pay increases

      • Different departments vary in pay

      • Boy’s club

      • Awful culture

      • Hard to get permanent position

      • Often overworked

      • Anti-government public

      • Bureaucracy

    • Pros

      • Good health insurance/benefits

      • Decent pay

      • Job security

      • Health insurance

      • Paid Time Off

      • Variety of work

      • Vacation hours/pay

      • People

  • Consulting

    • Cons

      • High workload

      • Travel

      • Job insecurity

      • Unpredictable schedule

      • Underpaid

      • Not environmentally friendly

    • Pros

      • Remote work

      • Variety of projects

      • Decent pay

  • Non-profit

    • Cons

      • Grant funded/unstable funding

      • High work load

      • Less people-power

      • Bad pay

      • Overworked

      • More business than science

      • Limited funds

    • Pros

      • Local impact

      • Direct change

      • Networking

      • Variety of experiences

      • Hands-on work

      • Good pay/benefits

      • Freedom/flexibility

      • Meaningful work

  • Tribal

    • Cons

      • Funding

      • Jurisdiction/co-management issues

    • Pros

      • Conservation values

      • Independence

      • Grant opportunities

      • Favors tribal citizens

      • Less restrictions

      • Freedom to pursue new projects

  • Contracting

    • Cons

      • Easier to get than federal jobs

    • Pros

      • No job security

  • Energy

    • Cons

      • Awful hours

    • Pros

      • Fantastic pay

      • Good benefits

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What was your path to your first permanent position?

Ask a Biologist Monday 10/23/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • BS, 1 seasonal, 1 intern, 4 yrs MS, substitute teaching, 7 yrs. PhD, perm job at yr 5 of PhD.

  • Community college, 2 yrs undergrad, an internship, 2 temp positions, then it finally happened.

  • 3 yrs undergrad-wrong path 2 yr detour, 3 yrs new undergrad, 3 yrs seasonal, 4 yrs pt time grad and work.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 3 yrs seasonal, 2.5 yrs grad school, 1 yr seasonal, finally in a permanent position.

  • 3 yrs undergrad, 1.5 yrs masters, 3 months volunteering, and 3 months seasonal work.

  • 3.5 yrs undergrad for a BSc, then applying to almost 50 jobs (Australia).

  • 5 yrs undergrad, 6 months unpaid internship, 4.5 yrs seasonal, and just now a permanent job.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 4 yrs seasonal jobs, 3 yrs grad school, then a permanent w/nonprofit.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 1 yr internships, 2 yrs grad, 4 yrs temp jobs.

  • 4.5 yrs (took semester off for seasonal position), 2 yrs seasonal, 2 yrs term, 3 states.

  • 2 summer internships during 4 yrs of college plus some volunteering and being a tech.

  • 5 yrs undergrad, 3 yrs work in an unrelated field, 1 long term/8 month seasonal position.

  • 3 BS over 5 yrs with research/internships in school.

  • 2 yrs seasonal work, 1.5 yrs federal contracting, 1 more seasonal job, 1.5 yrs grad school.

  • 5 yrs undergrad, 2 internships, 4 yrs seasonal, 3 yrs grad school, 2 more seasonals, then perm. Moved a lot.

  • Summer seasonal and grad project. Volunteer during undergraduate.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, worked in labs during that time.

  • Undergrad, unpaid internship, 1 yr volunteering, temp position 9 months became permanent.

  • Hired as on-call during my last yr of undergrad. Turned permanent after graduating.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 2 yrs grad school, 1 postmasters in specialty area, permanent position.

  • 4.5 yrs undergrad and 3 yrs seasonal work.

  • 6 yrs undergrad including 2 summer terms at my job. 4 yrs of terms, now 6 months/yr “permanent”.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 1 yr unpaid volunteer, 6 yrs temp seasonal.

  • 5 yr undergrad, 4 yrs tech position, 3 yrs grad school.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 1 yr seasonals, currently in 3 yr position with agency that should renew.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 4 summers of seasonal work, now a grad student.

  • Undergrad, seasonal at NGO, 3 yrs grad school.

  • 4 yrs undergrad with paid internships in summers, 4 yrs seasonal, permanent.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 2 yrs seasonal, 2 yrs Americorps, 3 yrs masters, 1 yr student pathway conversion.

  • 6 yrs undergrad, 4 internships and GIS cert, 4 yrs graduate with full time job and promotion after graduation.

  • Oils and bird monitoring, consulting, both with slow layoff seasons. Now full time.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 2 yrs Americorps, 3 fed seasonal jobs, then permanent.

  • 4.5 yrs undergrad, then getting lucky that the lab I interned for during undergrad was hiring.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 7 yrs seasonal jobs in 5 different states during and after college.

  • 5 yrs undergrad, 2 yrs seasonal, 2 yrs Peace Corps.

  • Undergrad, seasonal positions, graduate certificate, then permanent.

  • Undergrad with paid internships, industry job for 6 months, then master’s degree.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 5 yrs seasonal tech, 2.5 yrs MS.

  • 4 yrs BS, 1 seasonal job, 5 yrs MS, 2 years with Pheasants forever.

  • 4 yrs undergrad with 2 internships, 3 yrs grad school, 9 months unemployed.

  • 5 yrs undergrad, 3.5 yrs seasonal (9 different jobs across the country), 2.5 yrs grad school.

  • 4 yrs undergrad with internships, 3 yrs intern/seasonal work.

  • 11 seasonal positions in 4 states before getting a BA then permanent.

  • 4 yr undergrad, 3 yrs seasonal, half of a master’s (1 yr).

  • 2 internships in high school, 2 internships in undergrad, 1 lab job, 3 seasonal tech jobs.

  • 3 yrs of casual contracts alternating between 2 jobs and unemployment.

  • BS engineering, 3 yrs job, quit w/savings to endure 3 yrs tech work, 2 yrs MS.

  • 4 seasons of ecology work as a tech.

  • 4 yrs unrelated undergrad, 6 months unpaid internship, 2.5 yrs part time consulting, now permanent job.

  • 3 yrs community college, 3 yrs BS, 2.5 yrs seasonal.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 5 yrs seasonal.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, season of volunteering, 2 yrs grad school, 2 yrs seasonal.

  • Converted to permanent upon completion of pathways 2 yr probationary period.

  • Seasonal during undergrad, recent grad pathways position.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 1 yr internship, 3 yrs with one org, 2 yrs seasonal, now getting MS.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 2 yrs grad, 4 months paid internship.

  • Undergrad, internship, 2 years contracting.

  • Undergrad, 2 seasons as a tech, 1 season as a lead.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 6 months seasonal work.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 7 yrs seasonal, 3 yrs term, 7 yrs permanent, now MS online while working.

  • 4 yrs BS, 2 seasonal jobs, 2 yrs grad, 1 more seasonal, 1 yr odd jobs.

  • BS 4 yrs tech, MS, 1 yr tech position, 2 yrs temp.

  • 4 yrs undergrad w/summer seasonal jobs, 4 yrs seasonal, on-call, and temp work.

  • Volunteering at my local conservation center.

  • 4 yrs undergrad volunteering, 1 unpaid internship, 2 paid internships.

  • 3.5 yrs undergrad, 5 months continuing in lab I was working in during undergrad, then permanent.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 2 yrs seasonal, 1 professional training, 8 months applying.

  • 4.5 yrs undergrad w/3 internships, working in lab for 2 yrs, and independent study.

  • DHA internships for 5 months then permanent.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, multiple volunteer positions during undergrad.

  • 4.5 yrs BS with seasonals during summer, 1 yr temp job, 2 yrs MS, 2 yrs temp jobs.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 4 yrs part-time tech, 1 yr sci aid.

  • 2 yrs CC, 2 yrs undergrad, 7.5 yrs tec work.

  • Undergrad w/internships and study abroad, 2 yrs permanent, 4 yrs MS, now back to permanent.

  • 7 yrs undergrad, 6 yrs seasonal, 2 yrs grad school, 1 yr volunteering.

  • 4 yrs undergrad w/2 seasonal jobs, 1 yr in different field, 1 seasonal job.

  • 15 seasonal jobs, 15 off season jobs, 1 independent grant/research project. Full time at 31.

  • 2 seasons while in undergrad, 3 seasons after.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 3 yrs seasonal, 4 yrs grad school, 1 yr postdoc with another to come.

  • BS, unpaid tech job, 2 yrs lab analyst, 3 seasonal jobs.

  • 5 yrs undergrad, 5 yrs PhD, 6 months applications.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 1.5 yrs seasonal, permanent (which I quit).

  • 4 summer jobs during undergrad, permanent after graduation.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 2 yrs grad, 1 yr seasonal.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 2 yrs grad school, 6 yrs tech positions in 8 states.

  • Internship in high school, 4 yrs undergrad, 8 yrs seasonal (6 states).

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 3 yrs grad school, 3 tech positions.

  • 4 yrs undergrad, 2 seasonal jobs.

  • 2 yrs community college, 2.5 yrs undergrad, 8 seasonal jobs, 2.5 yrs grad school.

  • BSc, internship at federal agency.

  • Writing my own grant for my current project, but still seasonal most of the yr.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What stands out the most in job applications/people reaching out to you?

Ask a Biologist Monday 10/16/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Realistic about their skills-you don’t have to know everything to start a position.

  • Comfortable in the field in occasionally not so great environmental conditions.

  • They seem genuinely interested in moving to a rural area and engaging with community.

  • Using the cover letter to connect the dots (or gaps)in experience that fit the job post.

  • Willingness and aptitude to learn with new species and new areas.

  • A team player

  • Has fun while working in the field.

  • Kindness, curiosity, and problem solving skills.

  • Ability to hold a conversation and ask directed, thoughtful questions.

  • Off trail navigation/using GPS/being able to find your way back to the vehicle without seeing it.

  • Good grammar in their email/cover letter.

  • Willingness to ask questions.

  • Humility.

  • Having a future goal in mind and how the position will serve them with that goal in mind.

  • Ability to be humble and not act like they know everything.

  • Indication that they know they won’t know everything but they can use their resources.

  • They ask thoughtful questions beyond specifics of posting.

  • Plant skills.

  • Experience with “less exciting” jobs-shows me you can handle the more mundane tasks too.

  • A demonstrated passion for learning through self-study, naturalist groups, etc,.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What do you wish you knew about grad school before going?

Ask A Biologist Monday 10/9/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • That it can be really clique-y and dramatic at times.

  • How hard it can be having so much responsibility for your own deadlines/decisions.

  • Make a budget with expected income and expenses so you know if you can afford it.

  • A lot of people never publish their MS research. It’s harder than you think.

  • Predator-based projects often have really small sample sizes which make your analyses weak.

  • You can live pretty much anywhere for a few years. It goes by quickly.

  • The school that you go to doesn’t matter as much as the project and advisor.

  • You don’t need every skill for the project from the get-go. It’s a learning process.

  • I wish I’d known how mentally challenging it can be.

  • You’ll be making contacts that can influence the rest of your career.

  • Find out if there is funding to pay for you to go to conferences. Otherwise they get expensive.

  • Whether you advisor/dept partners with outside agencies. Huge for networking and finding a job after.

  • Make sure you’re excited about your project. Grad school is hard and loving your project makes a difference.

  • Don’t accept a position for a project you don’t like because it’s all you’ll do for years.

  • Ask about a supervisor’s managerial style. Make sure it works for you.

  • Many professors don’t use stats or programming in their daily work. You’ll learn that stuff from other students.

  • Ask about things like tuition remission/living stipend up front. Don’t save that detail for last.

  • Two years seems like a huge commitment, but it really isn’t. It goes by so fast.

  • If you can visit and gain a feel for the department culture, do it. Choose like you would a job.

  • Contact grad students outside of those with your potential advisor and ask them what the advisor is like. They’ll be more honest than current/former students can be.

  • Your advisor can make or break your experience. Choose carefully and do your background research.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Tips for making/keeping professional connections?

Ask A Biologist Monday 10/2/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Let your references know each time you apply for a job(s) and use the opportunity to reconnect/update.

  • Reach out on social media. Don’t be afraid to talk to other Biologists that way.

  • Volunteer for a day/weekend on a project/with a local Biologist.

  • Ask your current contacts to introduce you to other Biologists they know.

  • Twitter/X is a surprisingly great networking platform.

  • Join a professional group like TWS or ASM (run for positions!).

  • Connect with others on a personal level with interests beyond work.

  • Seek out a mentor, through an official program or more unofficially.

  • Bring business cards to conferences/events.

  • Have a concise elevator pitch prepared.

  • Ask professionals you might want to talk to if you can join them for a meal.

  • Don’t date/sleep with too many people in your field…

  • Interact with folks on social media. It’s not as weird as it might seem to just reach out.

  • Plan some time each week to reach out to current connections (10 min text/email).

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What is something you wished you’d asked your grad school advisor beforehand?

Ask A Biologist Monday 9/25/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • How long on average their students (not the program as a whole) took to graduate.

  • If this is PhD level work, can I just switch to the PhD?

  • Do your students complete their projects on time? If not, what contributes to project delays?

  • Learning more about a co-supervisor. They were 60% of my total grad school time.

  • What is the work-life balance like?

  • How to best utilize my grad committee?

  • How many students do they typically take on a year?

  • What percentage of their students successfully defend.

  • How do you give feedback and what is your communication style (weekend emails?)?

  • What is their philosophy for support during field season?

  • Do they advocate for non-uni courses (wilderness first aid training, hands on workshops)?

  • What are the expectations for publishing, if any?

  • How often did they stray from previous student’s thesis proposals?

  • Specifically how they fund their students.

  • How reachable they would be when I needed something?

  • Contact for current students.

  • Do you have funding for conferences or travel?

  • How much they valued getting it done over getting it done perfectly.

  • How much experience they had with the topic of my thesis.

  • Whether they expect students to TA to earn their stipend.

  • What it the diversity within their lab?

  • Do we have a plan if something goes wrong or comes up insignificant?

  • How in tune with the industry are they? As in do they know what the job market/employers are looking for?

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What’s an important skill to have in our field?

Ask A Biologist Monday 9/18/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Map skills and orienteering.

  • Driving a manual vehicle.

  • Knowing how to get trucks unstuck from mud, sand, etc.

  • First aid

  • Pooping in the woods.

  • Plant ID

  • Navigation

  • Carpentry/general building and repair skills

  • Writing-both technical and science communication

  • Observational skills

  • Patience

  • Compass skills-can save your life if a GPS fails

  • 4x4 driving

  • Vehicle/gear maintenance

  • Ability to sit and focus on computers

  • Willingness to learn

  • Resilience

  • Appreciation of the day in the field even if you don’t get/find what you want/need

  • Adaptability-things will change while working in the field so being able to handle that is important.

  • A good sense of direction.

  • Adaptability-fieldwork never goes as planned.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Favorite/most essential class you took in undergrad and why?

Ask A Biologist Monday 9/11/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Ecology-it helped me “get” the connections I was observing in the real world.

  • Population Biology-Understanding mathematical modeling and stats was essential.

  • Vetebrate natural history-lots of hands on class days, ID skills, and delving into life histories.

  • Mammology-the class that changed my life!

  • Ornithology-helped me develop my ID skills that I still use today.

  • Animal behavioral ecology

  • Environmental Impact Assesment-all about NEPA. Hated it at the time but it was useful.

  • Plant ecology

  • Intro to Entomology-changed my career path and I found my passion. Take a random course!

  • Parasitology-maybe not essential by very interesting.

  • Invasive ecology-great to get background in how they get around the world and how people respond.

  • Plant systematics-So much more than plant ID. Now I’m a plant ecologist.

  • Field techniques-hands on

  • Statistics-understanding of data and metrics use in everyday life

  • Modern statistical modeling-taught in R in 2012. Stats skills have stood out ever since.

  • Terrestrial flora-I used this ID knowledge every day at my work.

  • Wildlife management techniques-where I found my love for wetlands

  • Animal behavior

  • 9 credits worth of plant classes-so you can be a federal wildlife biologist

  • GIS-I would be screwed without knowing GIS

  • Evolutionary Ecology-understanding function, purpose and change.

  • Wetlands-it had herbarium collection, ID, classification, an policy all mixed in.

  • Human Dimensions in Wildlife-understanding and identifying stakeholders is essential.

  • Natural resources economics-communicate how valuable conservation can be.

  • Plant ID-I got my first tech job because of it.

  • Natural resources history and politics-helped me better understand some challenges in conservation.

  • Environmental communications

  • Mammology

  • Spatial ecology-heavy on R work

  • Plant taxonomy-knowing the features of plant families gives you a good starting point to ID

  • American Environmental history-learned about policy and management through time.

  • Marine ecology-sparked my passion and prof gave great advice for new biologists.

  • Interdisciplinary courses-taught me how to think

  • Invertebrate Biology-taught me how to memorize species and appreciate ecological systems.

  • Favorite: Behavioral ecology of fishes. Most essential: Icthyology

  • GIS-Spatial data is essential in conservation.

  • GIS-I use it every day at my job.

  • Community ecology-I still use the theory and principles I learned in my career as a wildlife ecologist daily.

  • Remote sensing-basic skills/knowledge of GIS

  • Habitat management-learning to apply, write, and budget for real life work scenarios is so important.

  • Human dimensions-how to facilitate stakeholder conversations.

  • Dendrology-learning to see how important/varied trees are to wildlife was eye opening.

  • Ecosystem management and policies-got into the NEPA process and how to manage with it.

  • Aquatic ecosystems-real life applicable.

  • Biometry-learned how to use stats, analytical programs like R, and design research projects.

  • Human dimensions of wildlife-it is crucially important to be able to communicate with stakeholders.

  • Mammology-tough and pretty heavy class but worth it.

  • ESRI suites class-helped my a lot post grad.

  • Dendrology-tree skills are super useful in this field.

  • Wetland ecology-field portion was amazing.

  • Field methods in avian ecology-got me started conducting my own research.

  • Wildlife and Fisheries techniques-really prepped me for field work and looked great on applications.

  • Ecology-the gateway class that put me onto the path to becoming a field ecologist.

  • Aquatic botany-learned a lot about wetland delineation, which is good for consulting.

  • Marine ecology-introduced R and how to apply it to research and field work.

  • Capstone project-learned species management and finances.

  • Ecology-made me switch from a pre-neuroscience focus to ecology.

  • Plant taxonomy-plant ID has become one of my most valuable skills as a biologist.

  • Environmental toxicology-took it for fun but it’s surprisingly useful.

  • Field courses-I learned so much ID, telemetry, mist netting, research design.

  • Waterfowl biology-led to me getting interested in birds.

  • Great Plains flora-lots of vegetation monitoring in my work.

  • Dendrology-professor still worked in the field so it was relatable.

  • Wetland ecology and management-deep ecological dive!

  • Environmental biology-made my switch my major from philosophy.

  • Stats-knowing how to use R is essential to grad school and as a biologist.

  • Wildlife Damage Management-fun and hands on

  • Biocomputing-python is one of the most useful and transferrable skills I learned in undergrad.

  • Conservation biology-and interesting blend of scientific and human related topics.

  • Wildlife techniques-puts the theory to practice.

  • Field identification of plants-I had no idea I would be using that info so much now.

  • Ornithology-taught me general ID, patience, and surveys that I do now.

  • Stream restoration ecology-I got to learn habitat management.

  • Wildlife techniques-learning fieldwork techniques and even did a weekend camping.

  • Wildlife techniques-went through capture methods for various wildlife. Hands on field trips.

  • Statistics-where the magic happens.

  • Upland management-we has to make a whole land management program.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What is your favorite thing to do when you’re off work?

Ask A Biologist Monday 9/4/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Tend to my 24 species of animals in my own little mini zoo or explore national parks.

  • Write, make costumes, bake, spend time with friends.

  • Jigsaw puzzles.

  • Workout, meal prep, drink a beer, trash TV.

  • Hike, cook, garden.

  • Hunt grouse with my bird dogs.

  • Anything film related. Watching movies, writing, etc.

  • Knit and play/watch DND.

  • Quilt.

  • Leave the country.

  • Play dumb phone games and listen to podcasts. Brush my dog. Play with the cat.

  • Pottery, snowboarding (winter stuff).

  • Hike, bike, paddleboard, horseback ride, camp.

  • Crochet, fencing, gardening, and pup play time.

  • Swim in the summer, snowboard in the winter, and video games all year long.

  • Forage, hike, garden, walk my dog, cook, take photos, and watch TV.

  • Paint.

  • Go birding on spots on my route home from work.

  • Nap.

  • Scroll Texas A&M.

  • Backpack, whittle, fly fish, cook extravagant meals.

  • Watch movies and gardening.

  • Falconry. I love nature to my core and being closer to it without it being “work”.

  • Botanize leisurely, swimming, snuggle kitties, gardening, kayaking, biking.

  • Stained glass, go to museums.

  • Lay in bed.

  • Surf on season and snowboard off. Feels so good to completely disconnect.

  • Hike, read, antique stores.

  • Spend quality time with my little.

  • Trail run and rock climb.

  • Nap. Bird field work requires early mornings so I gotta catch up on my sleep.

  • Read, hike, camp, hang out with my kids.

  • Shower off the fish scales and grime then admire my fish tanks.

  • Read, make puzzles, hike.

  • Hiking, knitting, reading, swimming, and hanging out with dogs.

  • Birding, kayaking, reading, pickleball.

  • Rock climb. Whether it’s outdoors or in the gum, it’s a great mental and physical sport.

  • Play video games and hang out with my kiddo.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What is something you love about being a Biologist?

Ask A Biologist Monday 8/21/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • I literally got paid to walk through remote, beautiful forests by myself.

  • I learn something new every day, whether it’s a new species, behavior, survey site, etc.

  • Getting other people excited about biology.

  • I love that the learning never ends, especially given how much we move around to different regions.

  • Getting to work with salmon.

  • Learning to see the small, extraordinary details in things that most people find ordinary.

  • Connecting with landowners and teaching them about habitat management.

  • Balancing indoor and outdoor time. I love that I get to do both.

  • Looking at my work with pride (usually exhausted and filthy). My job helps the health of the planet.

  • There’s always something interesting to be found every day.

  • Getting paid to look for plants and animals.

  • Knowing my work is directly protecting wildlife.

  • The variety of experiences from field to teaching to lab work to bioinformatics.

  • Knowing I’m doing my best to fix the issues humans have caused.

  • Constantly confusing people about my job (bonus: handling animals that are “creepy”)

  • I’m always in awe that I get to touch wildlife for work.

  • Getting to meet the people who spend most of their time on the land we study.

  • No two work days are ever the same. There’s always new experiences and places to see.

  • Getting to work with and learn from folks with all kinds of experience and knowledge.

  • Examining things I love.

  • Everyone sending me blurry pictures of bugs/critters and asking me to ID them.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Tips for being a good mentor/supervisor to technicians?

Ask A Biologist Monday 6/19/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Don’t treat them as “techs” but as fellow professionals who also have valid and useful ideas.

  • Get out in the field with them. Work alongside them.

  • Develop personal connections (respect boundaries though). Shows you’re human too.

  • Focus when possible on their development as a scientist-new training, skills, etc.

  • Give space for techs to voice their ideas and perspectives. Be open to learn from them.

  • Listen to them.

  • Look out for their safety.

  • Be a good reference/network point.

  • Treat them as the young professionals they are (and not just a laborer to get work done).

  • Know mistakes will happen and address them; support wins too! Encouragement goes far.

  • Listen to them when they voice their concerns with an open mind.

  • Add professional development hours (trainings, resume workshop, interview practice).

  • A “good job” goes a long way for tired techs morale.

  • Set goals for the season for each tech.

  • Share your journey getting to your position.

  • Get them into as many trainings as possible.

  • Understand that they have lives outside of work.

  • Take a genuine interest in them as people.

  • Be sure they’re getting regular days off.

  • Fight hard to increase their pay any time that you can.

  • Have an up to date field safety plan.

  • Make sure you’re paying them a fair hourly wage.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What was/is the topic of your thesis/dissertation?

Ask A Biologist Monday 6/12/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Breeding ecology and habitat selection of American Woodcock.

  • Dorsal patterns of Uta Lizards compared to substrate/rock they were basking and morph.

  • Improving detection and capture of invasive Burmese python.

  • Impacts of noise on songbird reproduction and behavior.

  • Annual grassland bird use in restored and remnant prairies.

  • Insect pollinator habitat connectivity in urban environments.

  • Evaluating and establishing baseline levels of PFAS and heavy metals in bald eagles.

  • How white tailed deer influence cattle fever tick abundance.

  • Hg transfer up food webs and spatial distribution in fish and seabirds in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

  • Characterization of algal communities and their relation to water quality in a riverine system.

  • Taxonomy, phylogeny, and host-range distribution of parasites of sharks/fishes.

  • Alfalfa weevil insecticide resistance and resistance management in the western US.

  • Effect of mesquite encroachment on mixed grass prairie composition.

  • Differential gene expression in CWD-positive and negative white tailed deer.

  • Assessing the response of vegetation and waterfowl to the drawdown of a wetland.

  • Characterized the chemical profile of several species of poison frogs.

  • How temperature variations impact amphibian disease.

  • Invertebrate survey of farm. Farmer hadn’t changed their practices since the 1940’s. Lots of bugs!

  • Consequences of drought for juveniles and population dynamics in dryland songbirds.

  • Survival rates and home ranges of Blanding’s turtles.

  • How extreme cold climates affect aquatic microbial communities. What happens in and under the ice.

  • Understanding how landscape configuration impacts bobcats.

  • Coyote diet and population demographics.

  • Cliff swallows and drought.

  • Bioenergetics of waterbirds on Great Salt Lake wetlands under different water inflow scenarios.

  • Using satellite images to track dieback of Phragmites at the mouth of the Mississippi River.

  • Effects of paper mill effluent on the reproductive axis in bullhead minnows.

  • Impacts of chronic human noise on ecosystem function in the sage-steppe.

  • Comparative study of corticosterone levels in 3 species of water snake.

  • Conditional occupancy and habitat of rocky shiners, using data to get them listed with ESA.

  • Mountain lion resource selection and habitat use in Central coast of California.

  • Movement ecology post translocation from airfields of RTHA, SEOW, and GHOW.

  • Wild pig resource selection and efficacy of removal methods.

  • Effects of domestic cat presence on foraging behavior of passerines.

  • Space use, survival, and cause-specific mortality of white-tailed deer fawns.

  • If interspecific aggression between 2 salamander species affects their elevational ranges.

  • How different climate variables affect western larch wood density.

  • Pollinator biodiversity after wildfire in under-surveyed landscapes.

  • Cellular mechanisms that lead to preferential pH regulation in some fish species.

  • If flowers within a cabbage field would increase parasitism of caterpillars.

  • Effects of prairie dogs and their management on plant and animal communities in the Great Plains.

  • Barriers to wild pig management on private lands.

  • Mixture of toxicity of neonicotinoids (pesticides) on embryonic and larval fathead minnows.

  • Exploratory look into returning Snake River fall Chinook salmon “mini jacks”.

  • California sea lion aggression and competition.

  • Survey of the ensemble of medium and large mammals in protected area in Cordoba, Argentina.

  • Population dynamics of deer in South Florida using camera and telemetry data.

  • In situ hatching orientation in green sea turtles, focusing on different types of light.

  • Hibernation site selection/ecology of Eastern Massasaugua rattlesnakes.

  • Effects of invasive earthworms on the linkage between soil food web and broader food web: salamanders.

  • Chemical ecology of trembling aspen and impacts on plant community dynamics.

  • Prevalence and store/employee awareness of invasive crayfishes in retail pet trade.

  • Effects of industrial extractive activities (logging/mining) on zoonotic spillover risk.

  • Natural roost selection of the little brown bat.

  • Bighorn sheep respiratory disease surveillance via behavior and community science.

  • Measured local stream health around human activity using the Hilsenhoff index.

  • Toxicology of Arctic seabirds with Atlantic Puffins in Svalbard.

  • Effects of anthropogenic impacts on restored wetland communities.

  • Impacts of insecticides on migratory shorebirds in the Prairie Pothole region.

  • Red wolf audio cues to determine if red wolves can limit raccoon foraging behavior.

  • Disease and habitat suitability for nine-banded armadillos.

  • How social and ecological factors influence Mexican wolf home range size.

  • Bacterial competition and how bacteria fix and break down organic carbon.

  • Land use effects on turtle abundance, movement, and heavy metal bioaccumulation.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Tips for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and parenthood during fieldwork?

Ask A Biologist Monday 6/5/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Be honest about your physical limitations during pregnancy.

  • Ask for space and time to pump.

  • Set firm boundaries on your work time to protect your family time.

  • Take as much parental leave as you can.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Especially lifting things while pregnant.

  • Freemie breast milk collection cups so you can pump on the go and be hands free.

  • Get a supportive hip band for hiking.

  • A workplace that recognizes that parents’ priorities (travel, etc.) shift is essential.

  • Get comfortable breastfeeding in a baby wrap or carrying. Game changer.

  • Hands-free pumping bras if you’re in the field without baby. Can pump while driving, etc.

  • Even if you aren’t ready to tell everyone, let a coworker you trust know you’re pregnant for safety.

  • Start baby in a carrier earlier and practice breastfeeding in it a lot.

  • The 40oz Stanley cup to stay hydrated. Makes it easy to drink while in the car between sites.

  • When pregnant, avoid handling dead stuff if you can. Zoonotics are not worth the risk.

  • Post partum sucks. Take all you time and do NO work during that time. Focus on healing and learning.

  • Remember that you are more important than your job.

  • Bootcut cargo pocket yoga pants, an Elvie pump, and relaxation techniques.

  • Take precautions against insect bites. Pregnant people are at higher risk for bad reactions.

  • Wear lots of sunscreen while pregnant. Your skin will sunburn easier than normal.

  • Don’t feel bad for taking it easy earlier in pregnancy. The whole thing is physically challenging.

  • Write down EVERYTHING. You’ll be shocked how absentminded you become.

  • Ask for flexibility with office vs fieldwork and options for work from home.

  • Recognize that your priorities may shift, and that’s okay!

  • Get a high quality cooler for storing pumped breastmilk.

  • Even if your boss is wonderful, tell them of your pregnancy and expected due date in an official email for records and protection.

  • Telling your supervisor early on about your pregnancy can offer more allowances for appointments and medical issues.

  • Realize that your ligaments soften and loosen in pregnancy, so be careful hiking and lifting items.

  • Be extra careful with your PPE while pregnant and breastfeeding.

  • Ask your coworkers who are already parents for their advice.

  • Talk to your employer/HR about how your child will be added to your insurance.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Favorite Biology themed podcast, show, movie?

Ask a Biologist Monday 5/29/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Movies/Shows

    • Jeff Corwin Experience

    • Wild America with Marty Stouffer

    • The Lion King

    • PBS Nature

    • Fantastic Fungi

    • Prehistoric Planet

    • Inside Nature’s Giants

    • Princess Mononoke

    • Zoboomafoo with the Kratt Brothers

    • The Crocodile Hunter

    • Night On Earth

  • Books

    • Braiding Sweetgrass

    • Song of the Dodo

    • Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaughty

    • Vaquitta by Brooke Bessessen

    • Big Cat Diary

    • A Sand County Almanac

    • A Mile In Her Boots

    • A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson

  • Podcasts

    • Ologies with Allie Ward

    • Get Out Alive

    • SciShow Tangents

    • Tooth and Claw with Wes Larson

    • Creature Feature

    • Snakes Podcasts

    • Poor Proles Almanac

    • Science Vs.

    • Fish of the Week from USFWS

    • Sawbones

    • Following the Tracks

    • In Defense of Plants

    • Relax With Animal Facts

    • The Birdy Bunch

    • Beyond Blathers: A Critter Pod

    • Radiolab

    • Fire University

    • Deer University

    • Completely Arbortrary

    • The Wild with Chris Morgan

    • Unexplainable

    • Rewildling Earth

    • Into the Wilderness with Byron Pace

    • Common Descent

    • Going Wild with Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant

    • National Parks After Dark

    • So You Want to Be a Marine Biologist

    • The Science of Birds

    • Huberman Lab

    • Snake Talk

    • Unnatural History Channel

    • Wildlife Health Connections

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

How do you deal with/avoid burnout at work/grad school?

Ask A Biologist Monday 5/23/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Don’t check work email outside of work.

  • Turn off your work phone outside of work hours.

  • Take ALL your paid time off.

  • Set a clear working schedule and stick to it.

  • Never feel bad for taking a vacation.

  • Make friends outside of the field.

  • In grad school I set aside time just for me every week.

  • Find time to spend with friends and family. FaceTime if you can’t physically meet.

  • I don’t answer my work phone outside of working hours unless it’s an emergency.

  • I go camping in an area with no cell service, ideally with a river.

  • Try not to schedule seasonal jobs back to back.

  • Have a strong support system (family/friends) who will be there for you.

  • Make sure I’m spending free time in alignment with my goals-no mindless scrolling.

  • Boundaries. I work hard and if I don’t get everything done that means it can wait.

  • Being strict with separating work and life. No calls etc. after working hours.

  • Having a solid morning and night routine helps prioritize putting my needs first.

  • Not using my career as a biologist as my only identity.

  • Turn off email notifications on evenings/weekends. Helps turn my brain off my thesis.

  • Using my PTO or even taking unpaid days off if I’ve been working a bunch of overtimes.

  • Establishing clear boundaries for myself and others about when I will check/respond to work emails.

  • Set boundaries with your time.

  • Use your leave without feeling guilty about it.

  • Prioritizing time for my hobbies. Makes me feel human again and then I’m more productive.

  • Grad school part time while working full time. My mental health is way better even if it will take 4 years.

  • Retrained myself to see sleep as a necessity NOT a luxury.

  • Chinese martial arts and painting.

  • Boundaries. I make space for what makes me feel like myself.

  • Get a work cell phone. It was a game changer for me.

  • Hobbies.

  • If you have sick days, don’t feel bad about using them as mental health days.

  • Find time to get out of the office and do things you love. I try to get outside/go birding.

  • I need a sport or past time, preferably one where I’m unreachable. Currently it’s surfing.

  • Ask for help. Learn to delegate tasks to others.

  • Talk to others about your struggles. You’re not alone.

  • Reframe the way you look at work-it truly is just a job and you are more than your career.

  • Take breaks throughout your day. Step away and go for a walk or play a video game.

  • Exercising. It keeps me sane!

  • Making myself good meals/snacks. It’s such a nice break and makes me feel better.

  • Prioritize sleep.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What are your resume tips/resume building tips?

Ask A Biologist Monday 5/15/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Get examples from others that have success in finding programs or work.

  • Use tables in Word to organize, align, and format more easily.

  • Don’t include an address. It may make them pick someone located closer than you.

  • Highlight words from the job announcement and address each qualification in your resume.

  • Keep your resume up to date by adding accomplishments as you earn/complete them.

  • Include a list of relevant skills.

  • Put dates next to trainings to show when you took them.

  • Don’t include a photo. It’s just asking for bias to happen.

  • List experience from most recent and include job duties.

  • USAjobs is very specific. Take a workshop or ask someone who has gotten through to help.

  • Always get another set of eyes on it to check for grammatical/formatting errors.

  • Try to get a professional in the field to check for content.

  • Ask around for opportunities on different projects outside of what you do.

  • Asking on Twitter if anyone could look at my resume gave me the best advice/connections.

  • Use your cover letter to explain your resume and connect the dots.

  • Include at least 3 reliable and relevant references on your resume with contact information.

  • Reach out to current/previous employers about what stood out to them when hiring you and what to improve.

  • Let your references know that you’re applying to positions and that they might be contacted.

  • Do cause and effect on past jobs. I did “A” that resulted in “B”.

  • Have a master document of everything you’ve done that you add to over time.

  • Quantify your tasks. “I banded X birds per week while training X technicians”.

  • Color code your drafts to know what to include for different roles.

  • Highlight relevant skills from all of your jobs.

  • Start tracking all your wildlife observation/handling hours in excel. Permits require detail.

  • Tailor it to the job/niche you’re applying for.

  • Always have someone proofread it.

  • You don’t have to limit it to one page.

  • Bullet statements and concise phrases make reading easier for hiring panel.

  • Include your name as the header/footer on each page.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Do you feel grad school was/is worth it? Why/why not?

Ask a Biologist Monday 5/8/23

  • Yes-it allowed me to change careers, break into the field, and land a permanent federal job.

  • Yes-Grad school gives you soft skills you don’t learn at tech jobs (planning, writing, etc.)

  • Yes-It teaches you how to run a full on scientific project from start to finish.

  • Although it was stressful and challenging, yes. I landed a permanent job because of it.

  • It’s possible to get a permanent position without grad school, but you’re often more limited in ability to change jobs/be promoted.

  • Make sure you have experience too. Higher degrees without it may not get you the job.

  • Not everyone can afford a higher degree. Been on hiring panels and the right experience my go further.

  • Yes IF it is a thesis based MS. Otherwise you’re just taking more classes and paying for it.

  • I got a state biologist job without grad school but all my peers have master’s.

  • As bad as grad school is, I think it’ll be worth the job security once I’m on the other side.

  • Yes-it helped me with critical thinking and improving, planning and data management tools.

  • Yes-it helped me to learn how to apply for and manage a grant.

  • It was not for me. The massive toll it took on my mental health outweighs the benefits I got.

  • Yes-many well paid permanent positions now require an MS.

  • Yes BUT get experience between undergrad and grad school or you’ll end up both under and over qualified.

  • Yes-It gave me the experience and confidence to lead project (with a supportive advisor).

  • Yes-if you take the time and effort needed to find a good advisor and project/program.

  • It was worth it for the learning experience alone. It’s still hard to get jobs (but easier than without).

  • Yes-It gives you a safer environment to fail in and a group to guide you along the way.

  • Yes-it shows commitment to science.

  • Brutal but yes-MS was required for my first non-seasonal job

  • Yes-Project management skills.

  • Yes-It opened more doors for me afterwards. I networked heavily and it paid dividends.

  • Yes-was taken more seriously as soon as I started my MS. Landed a job, finished online.

  • Yes-It put me in the running for permanent over seasonal jobs and let me get my professional cert.

  • Yes-It helped me realize I was smart and capable enough to be in this career field.

  • I was able to get a Forest Service job without grad school. It can be done.

  • Depends, but no for me. I was able to land my permanent with a BSc and 5 seasons of work.

  • Yes-Having it on the resume increases pay rate (federal).

  • Yes-if your employer pays for it.

  • Yes-It helped me to make important connections in the field.

  • Depends on what kinds of jobs you want to do. It definitely opens a lot of doors and is good for networking.

  • If you choose the non-thesis route, be sure to work simultaneously in a relevant job.

  • Currently in grad school. As someone who has been a tech for 10+ years, definitely worth it.

  • You can get a permanent job without it, but it often takes longer and your pay is lower and duties are more basic.

  • Yes-I’ve been able to make a lot of connections and was even able to get the DFP (Doctorate Fellowship Program) this year.

  • Yes-and I didn’t finish. But the skills I learned and courses I took got me where I am now (federal job).

  • It really depends on where you want to go with your career. But if you want to-talk to current grad students.

  • Yes-It allowed me to get a permanent fulfilling job. Lots of important biologist skills too.

  • Yes-but get some work experience before diving into a program. Helped me recognize opportunities.

  • Currently pursuing an MS after 5 years as a full time state bio. So far so good. Love being back in school.

  • Yes for career. No for mental health.

  • The first time no. The second time, yes. Different season in life, perspective, and experience.

  • Yes-I wouldn’t have my career without the degree, but also my program was fun.

  • Yes BUT I think working beforehand was critical to it being worth it.

  • Fundamentally yes because it’s on many job requirements and I want this career.

  • Yes-transferrable project management tools that give you bargaining power.

  • Depends on the end goal. In today’s times, and MS is worth it. PhD depends on dream job.

  • Yes and no. It took a HUGE toll on my health but I made friends and it qualified me for a higher federal job rating.

  • It might have. I had a BA but my eco firm only promoted MS and PhDs.

  • Helped me learn I have ADHD because of all the decisions I made, so that’s good.

  • You can sometimes get a permanent position without and MS but duties are often tech level still.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Ways to make field housing/camp feel more like home?

Ask A Biologist Monday 05/1/2023

Answers from Biologists:

  • Food food food and a fridge for cold beer after a hot day in the field.

  • Decorating your space even if you’re only going to be in the housing a few months.

  • Hanging up one or two pieces of art.

  • An extra cozy blanket and hot water bottle.

  • A tapestry.

  • I have all my friends sign my field pack so I can always have them with me in new places.

  • Always bring a fan (never know the A/C situation) and a lamp (for cozy lighting.

  • Supplies for your hobbies. Painting, crafting, whatever it may be bring it.

  • I always travel with a small library of my favorite books.

  • Playing your favorite music (as long as you’re not disturbing roommates or anyone nearby).

  • Organize fun dinner nights with your roommates.

  • String lights. Makes a room feel cozy.

  • Venture out into the area you’re living in your free time.

  • Make your own small travel box of kitchen essentials.

  • Organize your clothes so you don’t feel like you’re living out of a suitcase.

  • A rug, some framed art.

  • Put together a nice shower caddy with cozy bath towels.

  • A good pillow. Getting a good night’s sleep away from home can be hard but a good pillow helps.

  • Small creature comforts, like my hammock and a book.

  • A way to watch your favorite shows or movies (even downloading them sometimes).

  • My books, paints, and tea.

  • If you can spare the weight, actual dishware. Eating off a real plate makes a big difference in comfort.

  • Having a colorful blanket. I always brought a fun quilt for that homey feel.

  • Find a local cafe/pub and make it a point to start late or kick off early once a a week for some R&R.

  • Have friends/family send care packages. Makes remote supply drops more exciting.

  • Maintaining some sort of routine, like morning workouts.

  • Find a time to get away for video calls to loved ones.

  • Real sheets and blanket instead of a sleeping bag on a bare matress.

  • Board games to play with coworkers.

  • Hot water in a Nalgene to cuddle with in your sleeping bag.

  • Photos/postcards of home to decorate with.

  • A good mug and blanket for comfort.

  • A few real pictures in frames and my own pillow and bedding.

  • Slippers.

  • Ditch the sleeping bag for real blankets.

  • Make your bed cozy with lots of pillows and blankets.

  • Get to know the locals.

  • Don’t be afraid to adventure around on your own.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

Best/most important summer fieldwork items?

Ask A Biologist Monday 4/24/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • Deet.

  • A decent hat.

  • Anti-itch cream for those inevitable bug bites.

  • Eye protection.

  • Technu for encounters with poison ivy/oak.

  • Eye protection.

  • Polarized wraparound sunglasses. Glare destroys you.

  • Kula cloth for folks who squat when they pee.

  • Make sure your spare tire has air and is structurally sound.

  • Tick repellent. Ensure your clothes are soaked in permethrin, use deet, or other approved repellents.

  • Chapstick.

  • Hats.

  • Infinite socks.

  • Neon flagging tape for keys and phones.

  • Big dumb hat. Good for sun, good for rain.

  • Wide brimmed hat.

  • Buff/bandana.

  • Sun gloves.

  • A good mosquito and biting insect protection system.

  • Sun gloves. A game changer.

  • A packable rain poncho. Finishing a day of fieldwork while soaked is the worst.

  • Quality pair of sunglasses. The eye strain is real on a bright day.

  • Cooling buffs and ice paces to use for palmar cooling.

  • Snake boots or snake gaiters. They can be hot but better safe than sorry.

  • M&Ms. Little sugar boost that doesn’t melt all over the place like other candy.

  • An extra pair of socks. Switching to clean socks at lunch time is a morale boost.

  • If you’re in an exposed area (esp. desert)-sun hoodie.

  • Snacks, snacks, and more snacks.

  • Dermatone for sun/wind protection.

  • Permethrin wash-in for clothing as bug repellent.

  • Snacks. And backup snacks.

  • Headlamp. If my day runs long, I don’t want to be headed back to the truck in the dark.

  • Seconding sunscreen/sun protective clothing (Bio diagnosed w/skin cancer at 28).

  • Mouthwash. I always get something disgusting in my mouth by accident.

  • Tall, non-synthetic socks to tuck your pants into (love smart wool).

  • A tick key.

  • So much insect repellent. I prefer Picaridin since it’s DEET-free.

  • A well stocked first aid kit-duct tape and some tweezers (especially in the desert_.

  • Mosquito net/hat.

  • Comfy boots/shoes. Nothing ruins a long day like getting blisters or skin rubbed raw halfway through.

  • Sunscreen.

  • Snacks.

  • Bug repellent.

  • Some candy or a cookie. The extra dopamine can really help on a tough field day.

  • Sunglasses. Especially if working on the water.

  • Multi tool that’s easily accessible. Never know when you’ll need it.

  • 5 gallon water cooler to refill your water bottle throughout the day.

  • Bug spray and calamine lotion.

  • Appropriate footwear and clothing items for your environment.

  • Appropriate ways to carry gear.

  • Bug jacket for the wetlands.

  • Sunscreen chapstick.

  • A wide brimmed hat that covers the back of your neck. Sun protection is important.

  • Electrolyte packets to toss in water bottles. Gotta stay hydrated.

  • Powdered gatorade in addition to water. Restore those salts you sweat out.

  • Tick protection-permethrin treated clothes, spray, long socks).

  • Lightweight white long sleeve shirt.

  • Insulating water bottle.

  • Wet bandana on back of neck.

  • Freeze your extra water at the beginning of the day so it stays cold.

  • Comfy shoes and rubber boots for wet days.

  • DEET.

  • Hat.

  • Insulated water bottle.

  • Extra water, especially if it ends up being a longer day in the field than expected.

  • Liquid IV. If you’re covering a lot of ground, you need more than water.

  • Extra underwear and socks.

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Gael Sanchez Gael Sanchez

What makes a tech stand out to you for a future rehire/permanent position?

Ask a Biologist Monday 4/17/23

Answers from Biologists:

  • The ability to take constructive criticism.

  • Make the management’s job easier, not harder.

  • In the end, it’s a personal connection.

  • Doing something productive during slow times without being asked or directed. Clean, organize, prep.

  • Look, problem solve, think before you ask a question. Ask questions with a potential solution so I know you thought process.

  • Great people skills.

  • Follow-through.

  • Leadership.

  • People skills. They’re so important in our field.

  • They can admit when they’ve made a mistake and learn from it.

  • A willingness to learn.

  • Work well with others.

  • A positive attitude is critical.

  • Being a self-starter and a hardworking individual.

  • Takes direction well but still asks questions when uncertain.

  • Self-motivation. Continuing to self-learn and maintain curiosity about the field and areas of interest.

  • They create/enforce their own work/life boundaries.

  • They mesh well with our current permanent staff.

  • Positivity. If it’s raining and cold and they’re still like “yeah, I’m so excited to see such and such”.

  • Willing to be okay with not knowing, yet confident in their ability to learn.

  • Communication.

  • Willingness to try new things.

  • Asking lots of questions shows they are committed to doing something directly.

  • Knows their limitations/weaknesses and works to improve them.

  • Positive attitude.

  • Flexible with schedule changes.

  • Can work independently without oversight.

  • Work well with team members.

  • Positive attitude.

  • Good communicator.

  • Problem solving when you can’t get ahold of a supervisor. If you can fix the problem yourself, it says a lot.

  • Interpersonal skills. I can teach how to survey, but I can’t teach how to resolve conflict kindly.

  • Good problem solving skills. Things happen in the field that we can’t always predict.

  • Attention to safety protocols.

  • On time, ready to go.

  • Time management skills.

  • A good attitude. Some days are tough but good attitudes help.

  • They’re genuinely interested in and passionate about the work.

  • Independence/problem solving. That’s the number one key to getting rehired and moving up.

  • Responsive to questions.

  • Present at work.

  • Shows initiative.

  • Asking a lot of questions.

  • Ability to think critically.

  • Problem solving.

  • Wanting to understand why we do the work we do.

  • Wanting to be mentored.

  • Ability to collaborate effectively with First Nations.

  • Once a protocol is learned, a tech stays consistent in delivering the same quality of work.

  • Respects people from all backgrounds.

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